把 持 Tenir to Hold
tenable ('which can be held'): tenable
intenable ('which cannot be held'): untenable
teneur ('content [of a matter]'): tenor
ténor ('holding on'): tenor
tenure ('holding'): tenure
tenace ('holding fast'): tenacious, tenacity (ténacité)
tenon ('[piece of wood that] holds fast'): tenon
tenant ('holding'): tenant (locataire), tenement (logement)
se-tenant ('[two stamps] holding each other'): se-tenant
lieutenant ('holding the place'): lieutenant
tenez! (take!, hold!): ⇨ Cour: Yard, tenet ('you hold', doctrine, principe)
contenir ('to hold with'): to contain, containment (endiguement), container (conteneur), countenance (contenance)
détenir ('to hold back): to detain, detention (détention)
maintenir ('to hold in hand'): to maintain, maintenance (entretien, maintien) ⇨ Main: Hand
retenir ('to hold back'): to retain, retention (maintien, rétention)
soutenir ('to uphold'): to sustain, sustainable (soutenable), sustenance (subsistance)
continuer ('to hold with', to prolong): to continue, continuous (continu)
continent ('held together', moderate): continent, continence (continence), continental (continental)
discontinuer (to interrupt): to discontinue, discontinuance (discontinuance, interruption), discontinuous (discontinu)
Es tener (to have), insostenible (untenable), teniente (lieutenant)
It tenere (to hold), sostenere (to sustain), tenente (lieutenant), tenuto (held), ritenuto ('held back', ritenuto)
震 Trembler: to Shake
噎 Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
拿 Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
搁 Mettre: to Put, to Send
摆 Poser: to Set
示 Montrer: to Show
压 Presser: to Squeeze
拉 Tirer: to Pull
绷 Tendre: to Stretch
断 Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
吊 Pendre: to Hang
做 Faire: to Do
藏 Cacher: to Hide
保 Garder: to Keep
叠 Plier: to Fold
屈 Voûter: to Bend
拧 Tordre: to Twist
切 Tailler: to Cut
投 Jeter: to Throw
打 Coup: Strike
© Renaud Bouret