足 Pied Foot
pédestre (by foot): pedestrian (piéton)
piédestal (foot base): pedestal, pediment (fronton)
pédale ('relating to a foot'): pedal, to pedal (pédaler), pedicel (foot stalk, pédicelle), pedicle ('little foot', pédicule), peduncle (pédoncule)
bipède (two-footed creature): biped ⇨ Deux: Two
quadrupède (four-footed creature): quadruped ⇨ Quatre: Four
trĂ©pied (with three feet): tripod ⇨ Trois: Three
pédicure ('foot care'): pedicure
pedigree ('pied de grue', 'crane's foot'): pedigree (gĂ©nĂ©alogie, pedigree) ★ In modern French, the word (borrowed back from English) applies only to animals.
empĂŞcher ('to entangle the feet', to prevent): to impeach (rĂ©cuser, destituer), impeachment (contestation, rĂ©cusation, destitution), to impede (entraver), ★ Latin pedem (foot) → Latin pedica (foot trap) → Latin impedicare (to hinder) → French empĂŞcher ('to hinder', to prevent) → to impeach
expédier ('to free one's feet [from a trap]', to dispatch): expedient (expédient), expedite (expéditif)
talon (heel): talon (serre, griffe, ergot)
★ Greek podo- (foot) → podiatry (podiatrie), podium ('small foot', podium)
Es pie (foot)
It piede (foot), pedale (pedal), Piemonte (on the foot of the mountain, Piedmont)
Anatomie: Anatomy
身 Corps: Body
裸 Nu: Naked
首 Chef: Head
脑 Cerveau: Brain
颅 顱 Crâne: Skull
口 Bouche: Mouth
舌 Langue: Tongue
齿 齒 Dent: Tooth
唇 Lèvres: Lips
目 Ĺ’il: Eye
鼻 Nez: Nose
耳 Oreille: Ear
额 Front: Forehead
髟 Cheveux: Hair
须 Barbe: Beard
脖 Cou: Neck
嗓 Gorge: Throat
膊 Bras: Arm
手 Main: Hand
指 Doigt: Finger
拳 Poing: Fist
膛 Poitrine: Chest
肋 CĂ´te: Rib
心 CĹ“ur: Heart
肥 Poumon: Lung
背 Dos: Back
肚 Ventre: Belly
腿 Jambe: Leg
足 Pied: Foot
皮 Peau: Skin
血 Sang: Blood
骨 Os: Bone
汗 Sueur: Sweat
© Renaud Bouret