Quatre   Four  

quart (one fourth): quart (pinte), quarte ('sequence of four [cards]', quarte), quartan (quarte), quartile (quartile)
quartier ('cut in squares', 'one fourth', '[city] division', residence, ward): quarter (quart, quartier, trimestre, 25 cents)
quarteron ('one fourth [of alien blood]'): quadroon
quaternaire ('fourth'): quaternary
quatuor (group of four): quartet
cadran ('[circle] divided in four parts', dial): quadrant (quadrant, quart de cercle)
carré ('four equal sides'): square, quadrate (carré), quadratic (quadratique), quadrature (quadrature)
carrière ('where square blocks of stone are cut'): quarry
escadre ('a square of soldiers'): squad, squadron (escadron)
quadrille ('[dance for] four couples', square dance): quadrille
quarantaine (a group of forty): quarantine ('forty days of isolation')
quadragénaire ('four [tens] of age'): quadragenarian
quadriceps ('[muscle] with four heads'): quadriceps  Deux: Two
quadrige ('four yokes [chariot]'): quadrige
quadrilatéral (with four sides): quadrilateral
quadripartite (with four parts): quadripartite
quadrumane ('with four hands): quadrumanous  Main: Hand
quadrupède ('with four feet'): quadruped  Pied: Foot
quadruple ('four-fold'): quadruple

  The Greek prefix tetra- is used to express the number 4 as in tetrachord ('four strings', tétracorde), tetrahedron ('four faces', tetraèdre), tetravalent ('four values', quadrivalent)

Es cuatro four), cuarto (fourth, room), cuarterón (one fourth), cuartel (barracks)
It quattro (four), quattrocento ('fifteenth century', quattrocento)

Cent: Hundred
Dix: Ten
Un: One
Premier: First
Deux: Two
Trois: Three
Quatre: Four
Cinq: Five
Six: Six
Sept: Seven
Huit: Eight
Neuf: Nine
Mille: Thousand

© Renaud Bouret