Six   Six  

sextuor (group of six): sextette
sieste ('sixth hour [nap]'): siesta   Both English and French borrowed the word from Spanish; the sixth hour was the roman midday hour.
sexagénaire ('six [tens] of age'): sexagenarian, sexagenary
semestre (six months): semester
sextuple ('six-fold'): sextuple

  The Greek prefix hexa- is used to express the number 6 as in hexagon (hexagone), hexahedron (hexaèdre)

  Although identical and sharing the same remote origin, the English and French word 'six' have a different history. The former came through old German and the latter came through Latin.

Es seis (six)
It sei (six), sesto (sixth), seicento ('seventeenth century', seicento)

Cent: Hundred
Dix: Ten
Un: One
Premier: First
Deux: Two
Trois: Three
Quatre: Four
Cinq: Five
Six: Six
Sept: Seven
Huit: Eight
Neuf: Nine
Mille: Thousand

© Renaud Bouret