一 Un One
uni ('like one'): united
union: union, reunion (réunion), disunion (désunion)
unité: unit, unity (unité), to unite (unir), unitary (unitaire)
unique ('only one like it'): unique, uniquely (uniquement)
unifier ('to make as one'): to unify, unification (unification)
unanime ('of one mind'): unanimous, unanimity (unanimité) (⇨ Âme: Soul)
uniforme ('with only one shape'): uniform, uniformity (uniformité)
unilatéral ('one-sided'): unilateral
unipolaire ('with one pole'): unipolar
unisson ('one sound'): unison
univalent ('with one value'): univalent
univers ('turned as to make one [whole]'): universe, universal (universel)
université ('totality'): university
✓ unicorn (licorne: 'one horn')
singulier ('one by one', one of a kind, odd): singular, single (simple), singularity (singularité)
simple ('one-fold'): simple, simpleness (simplicité, candeur)
simplifier ('to make simple'): to simplify, simplification (simplification)
⇨ mono
Es uno (one, 1), unidad (unity)
It uno (one, 1), unità (unity)
Jp union (association)
百 Cent: Hundred
十 Dix: Ten
一 Un: One
甲 Premier: First
二 Deux: Two
三 Trois: Three
四 Quatre: Four
五 Cinq: Five
六 Six: Six
七 Sept: Seven
八 Huit: Eight
九 Neuf: Nine
千 Mille: Thousand
© Renaud Bouret