活 Vie Life
vital ('necessary for life'): vital
vitalité (liveliness): vitality, to vitalize (vitaliser)
vitamine ('vital element'): vitamin
vivacité (liveliness): vivacity, vivacious (vif), vivid (vif), vividness (vivacité)
vivant ('living'): tableau vivant ('living picture', tableau vivant)
vive! ('long live!'): viva
viable ('able to live'): viable, viability (viabilité)
victuailles ('[food] for living'): victuals, victualling (ravitaillement), victualler (fournisseur)
viande ('[food] for living', meat): viands (mets, aliments)
vivarium ('place for the living'): vivarium
vivifier ('to make alive'): to vivify
revivifier ('to make alive again'): to revivify, reviviscence (reviviscence), revivification (revivification)
vivipare ('producing living [young]'): viviparous, viper (vipère)
vivisection ('cutting living [creatures]'): vivisection, to vivisect (faire de la vivisection)
convive ('living together', companion): convivial (convivial), conviviality (jovialité)
revivre ('to live again'): to revive, revival (renaissance), to revitalize (revivifier)
survivre ('to outlive'): to survive, survival (survie), survivor (survivant)
★ Greek bio- (life) → biology ('science of living beings', biologie), biographie ('story of a life', biographie), biopsy ('taking a living [tissue]', biopsie), biotic ('living', biotique)
Es vida (life), viva (long live!)
It vita (life), vicace (lively), viva voce ('with a living voice', orally)
魂 Âme: Soul
神 Esprit: Mind
是 Être: to Be
呼 Respirer: to Breathe
活 Vie: Life
生 Naître: to be Born
死 Mort: Death
轻 Jeune: Young
老 Vieux: Old
人 Homme: Man
女 Femme : Woman
睡 Dormir: to Sleep
健 Santé: Health
© Renaud Bouret