爱 愛 Aimer to Love
aimable ('lovable'): amiable (aimable, affable), amiably (aimablement), Mabel ('amiable')
amour (love): amorous ('in love', amoureux), amatory (amoureux), amative (passionné)
aménité ('lovable thing'): amenity, amenities (commodités, ressources)
amateur ('lover [of art, sport, etc.]'): amateur, amateurism (amateurisme), amateurish (d'amateur)
amical (friendly): amicable (aimable, à l'amiable), amicability (cordialité), amicably (amicalement)
ami (friend): amity ('friendship', amitié)
ennemi ('not friend'): enemy
inamical (unfriendly): inimical, enmity (inimitié)
haine (hatred): heinous (haineux)
Es amar (to love), amor (love), amigo (friend), amistad (friendship), enemigo (enemy)
It amare (to love), amore (love), amico (friend), amicizia (friendship), nemico (enemy)
De Liebe (love), Freund (friend) ⇨ frei, Friede
羞 Timide: Shy
贪 Convoitise: Greed
骄 骹 Fier: Proud
爱 愛 Aimer: to Love
亲 Cher: Dear
梦 Rêver: to Dream
欢 Joyeux: Merry
喜 Content: Glad
笑 Rire: to Laugh
哭 Pleurer: to Weep
苦 Peine: Sorrow
望 Espoir: Hope
害 Nuire: to Harm
惊 Stupéfier: to Amaze
© Renaud Bouret