Chanter   to Sing  

chant (song): chant, cant ('beggar's whine', hypocrisy, jargon, hypocrisie), to recant ('to sing back', se rétracter), recantation (rétractation)
chanteur (singer): cantor
déchant ('song apart'): descant
enchanter ('to sing upon', to charm, to bewitch): to enchant, enchantment (enchantement)
incantation ('a singing upon'): incantation
cantique ('small song'): canticle
Chanticleer (Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Oregon) is the name of a famous rooster which 'sings clearly'.

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

Es canto (song)
It canto (song), cantabile ('singing'), cantata ('sung')

Musique: Music
Peinture: Painting
Chanter: to Sing
Dessiner: to Draw

© Renaud Bouret