Intra-   Inside  

intérieur ('most inside', inner): interior
interne: internal, internally (intérieurement)
intime: intimate (intimer), intimacy (intimité), to intimate (intimer)
entrailles ('inside [the body]'): entrails, enteritis (inflammation of the intestine, entérite)
intestin ('inside [the body]'): intestine, intestinal (intestinal)
intraveineuse ('inside the vein'): intravenous
intrinsèque ('following the inside'): intrinsic, intrisically (intrinsèquement)
introduire ('to lead inside'): to introduce, introduction (introduction), introductory (préliminaire)
intromission ('put inside'): intromission, to intromit (admettre)  Mettre: to Put
introspective ('looking inside'): introspective, instrospection (introspection)
introverti ('turned inside'): introvert, introversion (introversion)
intrusion ('inside push'): intrusion, intruder (intrus), intrusive (importun)

Intra-: Inside
Extra-: Outside
Infra-: Under, Below
Supra-: Over, Above
Inter-: Between
Autre: Other
Propre: Own
Semblable: Same
Avant: Before
Plus: More
Proche: Near

© Renaud Bouret