丈 Mari Husband
marital ('belonging to a husband'): marital
marier ('to take a husband'): to marry
mariage (wedding): marriage
★ Curiously, marriage is related to mari (husband) and matrimony is related to mère (mother) ⇨ Mère: Mother
★ Greek gam- (marriage) → monogamy ('one marriage', monogamie), monogamist ('person with only one husband or wife', monogamous ('having only one husband or wife', monogame), bigamy (bigamie), polygamy (polygamie)
Es marido (husband)
It marito (husband)
爸 Père: Father
妈 Mère: Mother
兄 Frère: Brother
姐 SÅ“ur: Sister
孩 Fils: Child
丈 Mari: Husband
孩 Enfant: Child
© Renaud Bouret