羽 Plume Feather
plume: plume (plumet, panache)
plumer (to pluck): to plume, plumate (plumé)
plumule ('small feather'): plumule
plumage ('set of feathers'): plumage
✓ Isle la Plume (Wisconsin) means 'feather island' ⇨ ÃŽle: Island
panache ('set of feathers'): panache
It piuma (feather), penna (feather)
动物〮動物 Animaux: Animals
牛 BÅ“uf: Ox
羊 Mouton: Sheep
羊 Chèvre: Goat
猪 Porc: Pig
马 Cheval: Horse
狗 Chien: Dog
鸟 鳥 Oiseau: Bird
鸡 雞 Poule: Chicken
蛇 Serpent: Snake
虫 Ver: Worm
尾 Queue: Tail
翼 Aile: Wing
羽 Plume: Feather
© Renaud Bouret