Porc   Pig  

porc (pig): pork (pig meat)
porcin (belonging to the pig): porcine
porcelaine ('[a seashell] like a sow's [vulva]', ceramic): porcelain
porc-épic ('pig with spines'): porcupine

Es puerco (pig)
It porco (pig), porcellana (porcelaine)

动物〮動物 Animaux: Animals
BÅ“uf: Ox
Mouton: Sheep
Chèvre: Goat
Porc: Pig
Cheval: Horse
Chien: Dog
鸟 鳥 Oiseau: Bird
鸡 雞 Poule: Chicken
Serpent: Snake
Ver: Worm
Queue: Tail
Aile: Wing
Plume: Feather

© Renaud Bouret