齿 齒   Dent   Tooth  

dentaire (pertaining to the tooth): dental
denture (teeth): denture (dentier), dentition (dentition)
dentiste: dentist, dentine (ivoire des dents), dentistry (art dentaire)
dentifrice (toothpaste): dentifrice
denticule ('small tooth'): denticle
denté (furnished with teeth): dentate, dentation (dentelure)
édenté ('without teeth'): edentate
indentation (jagged cut, like a set of teeth): indentation, indent (retrait)
interdental ('between the teeth'): interdental
dent-de-lion ('lion's tooth', a flower with jagged leaves): dandelion (pissenlit)
  Greek odonto- (tooth) odontology ('tooth studies', odontologie), orthodontia ('straight teeth', orthodontie)

Fr dentelé (jagged)
Es diente (tooth), dentista (dentist), dentura (dentition), dentífrico (toothpaste), dentado (jagged)
It dente (tooth)

Anatomie: Anatomy
Corps: Body
Nu: Naked
Chef: Head
Cerveau: Brain
颅 顱 Crâne: Skull
Bouche: Mouth
Langue: Tongue
齿 齒 Dent: Tooth
Lèvres: Lips
Å’il: Eye
Nez: Nose
Oreille: Ear
Front: Forehead
Cheveux: Hair
Barbe: Beard
Cou: Neck
Gorge: Throat
Bras: Arm
Main: Hand
Doigt: Finger
Poing: Fist
Poitrine: Chest
Côte: Rib
CÅ“ur: Heart
Poumon: Lung
Dos: Back
Ventre: Belly
Jambe: Leg
Pied: Foot
Peau: Skin
Sang: Blood
Os: Bone
Sueur: Sweat

© Renaud Bouret