Dos   Back  

dos (back): to doss (pioncer), doss ('to lie on one's back', to lie down on an improvised bed, pieu), doss-house (flophouse, asile de nuit)
dorsal (belonging to the back): dorsal
dossier ('bundle of papers with a tag on the back'): dossier
endosser ('to put on the back of', to back): to endorse (endosser, avaliser, approuver), endorsement (aval, appui), endorser (endosseur), endorsee (endossataire)

It dorso (back)

Anatomie: Anatomy
Corps: Body
Nu: Naked
Chef: Head
Cerveau: Brain
颅 顱 Crâne: Skull
Bouche: Mouth
Langue: Tongue
齿 齒 Dent: Tooth
Lèvres: Lips
Å’il: Eye
Nez: Nose
Oreille: Ear
Front: Forehead
Cheveux: Hair
Barbe: Beard
Cou: Neck
Gorge: Throat
Bras: Arm
Main: Hand
Doigt: Finger
Poing: Fist
Poitrine: Chest
Côte: Rib
CÅ“ur: Heart
Poumon: Lung
Dos: Back
Ventre: Belly
Jambe: Leg
Pied: Foot
Peau: Skin
Sang: Blood
Os: Bone
Sueur: Sweat

© Renaud Bouret