爸 Père Father
paternité ('fatherhood'): paternity, paternal (paternel), paternalism (paternalisme)
patron ('big father', protector, model): patron, pattern, patronage (patronage), to patronize (patronner)
patriote ('from the same fatherland'): patriot, patriotism (patriotisme), patriotic (patriotique)
patricien ('fathers [of the Roman State]'): patrician
expatrier ('[to send] out of fatherland'): to expatriate, expatriation (expatriation)
patrimoine ('inheritance'): patrimony, patrimonial (patrimonial)
patriarche ('chief of a tribe'): patriarch, patriarchate (patriarcat)
patrilinéaire ('in line from the father'): patrilineal
patrilocal ('at the father's place'): patrilocal
patronymique ('belonging to the father's name'): patronymic
parricide ('murder of the father'): parricide, patricide (parricide)
✓ Des Peres (Missouri) means 'of the fathers (priests)'.
Es padre (father)
It padre (father), padrino (godfather)
爸 Père: Father
妈 Mère: Mother
兄 Frère: Brother
姐 SÅ“ur: Sister
孩 Fils: Child
丈 Mari: Husband
孩 Enfant: Child
© Renaud Bouret