Nuire   to Harm  

nuisance ('harmful thing'): nuisance
nocif ('harmful', 'hurtful'): nocuous (nocif), noxious (nuisible, nocif), obnoxious (détestable)
innocent ('harmless'): innocent, innocence (innocence)
innocuité ('harmlessness'): innocuity, innocuous (inoffensif)

It nuocere (to harm), nocivo (noxious), innocente (innocent)

Timide: Shy
Convoitise: Greed
骄 骹 Fier: Proud
爱 愛 Aimer: to Love
Cher: Dear
Rêver: to Dream
Joyeux: Merry
Content: Glad
Rire: to Laugh
Pleurer: to Weep
Peine: Sorrow
Espoir: Hope
Nuire: to Harm
Stupéfier: to Amaze

© Renaud Bouret