法 Justice Justice
French was the language of justice in the English courts until the reign of Cromwell (XVIIth century). Roman law has also influenced the English legal vocabulary.
Le français est demeuré la langue des tribunaux anglais jusqu'au règne de Cromwell (XVIIe siècle). Le droit romain a aussi influencé le vocabulaire juridique anglais.
jour (day) → adjournment ⇨ Jour: Day
avocat (lawyer) → advocacy ⇨ Appeler: to Call
aliment (food) → alimony ⇨ Aliment: Food
ami (friend) → amicable ⇨ Aimer: to Love
appel (call) → appeal ⇨ Appeler: to Call
attacher (to bind) → attachment ⇨ Attacher: to Fasten
atteindre (to reach) → attaint ⇨ Atteindre: to Reach
avouer (to confess) → avowal ⇨ Appeler: to Call
barre (bar) → barrister ⇨ Barre: Rail
bref (short) → brief ⇨ Bref: Short
charge (load) → charge ⇨ Charge: Load
cour (yard) → court of justice ⇨ Cour: Yard
crieur (shouter) → crier ⇨ Crier: to Shout
défaire (to undo) → defeasance ⇨ Faire: to Do
domaine (estate) → demesne ⇨ Domicile: House
démettre ('to send away') → demise ⇨ Mettre: to Put
dicter (to tell what to do) → dictum ⇨ Dire: to Say
donation (gift) → donatory ⇨ Donner: to Give
douaire ('gift') → dower ⇨ Donner: to Give
dureté (hardness) → duress ⇨ Dur: Hard
empêcher (to hinder) → to impeach ⇨ Pied: Foot
engrosser (to make bigger) → to engross ⇨ Grand: Big
expirer (to die) → expiry ⇨ Respirer: to Breathe
forfait ('trespassing') → forfeiture ⇨ Faire: to Do
héritier (legatee) → heir ⇨ Loi: Law
indiquer (to point at) → indictment ⇨ Doigt: Finger
interdire (to forbid) → interdiction ⇨ Dire: to Say
jurer (to swear) → jury ⇨ Jurer: to Swear
libelle ('small book') → libel ⇨ Livre: Book
maître (master) → magistrate ⇨ Grand: Big
méfait ('bad deed') → malfeasance ⇨ Mal: Bad
mandat ('order') → mandat ⇨ Demander: to Ask
méprise ('ill taken', mistake): misprision ⇨ Prendre, to Take
moitié (half) → moiety ⇨ Moitié: Half
mort (death) → mortgage ⇨ Mort: Death
main (hand) → mortmain ⇨ Main: Hand
donner (to give) → pardon ⇨ Donner: to Give
peine (pain) → penal ⇨ Peine: Sorrow
poursuivre (to chase) → prosecution ⇨ Suivre: to Follow
punir (to punish) → punishment ⇨ Peine: Sorrow
trépasser ('to go beyond') → trespasser ⇨ Passer: to Go Through
témoin (witness) → testimony ⇨ Témoin: Witness
vérité (truth) → verdict ⇨ Dire: to Say
vendre (to sell) → vendee ⇨ Vendre: to Sell
法 Justice: Justice
义 Juste: Right
誓 Jurer: to Swear
律 Loi: Law
罪 Coupable: Guilty
证 Témoin: Witness
© Renaud Bouret