义 Juste Right
juste ('according to right'): just, justness (justesse)
justice: justice, justiciable (justiciable), justiciary (justicier)
justifier ('to make right'): to justify, justification (justification) ⇨ Faire: to Do
ajuster ('to place justly'): to adjust, adjustment (ajustement), adjuster (ajusteur), adjustable (ajustable)
injustice ('unfairness'): injustice, unjust (injuste)
juriste ('lawyer'): jurist
juridique ('pertaining to law'): juridical
juridiction ('administration of justice): jurisdiction ⇨ Dire: to Say
jurisprudence ('knowledge of the laws'): jurisprudence
injure ('unfair action', wrong, insult): injury (tort, préjudice, blessure), to injure (léser, blesser), injurious (nuisible, injurieux)
juge ('one who points out law'): judge, judgment (jugement)
judiciaire ('pertaining to courts of law'): judiciary, judicial (critique, juridique, impartial), judicious (judicieux), judicature (magistrature)
adjuger ('to judge to', to award): to adjudge, to adjudicate (juger, rendre un arrêt), adjudication (décision de la cour), adjudicator (juge)
préjuger ('to judge beforehand'): to prejudge, prejudice (préjudice, préjugé), prejudicial (préjudiciable)
Es justo (just)
It giusto (just)
法 Justice: Justice
义 Juste: Right
誓 Jurer: to Swear
律 Loi: Law
罪 Coupable: Guilty
证 Témoin: Witness
© Renaud Bouret