舟 Navire Ship
navire (ship): navy (flotte), naval (naval)
nef ('ship', body of a church): nave
naviguer (to sail): to navigate, navigation (navigation), navigator (navigateur)
navigable ('where ships can be driven'): navigable, navigability (navigabilité)
naviculaire ('boat-shaped'): navicular
nautique ('pertaining to ships'): nautical, nautilus (nautilus), aeronaut ('air navigator', aéronaute), astronaut ('star navigator', astronaute) ⇨ Étoile: Star
nausée ('seasickness'): nausea, to nauseate (écœurer), nauseating (dégoûtant), nauseous (nauséabond)
plonger (to dive): to plunge, plunge (plongeon), plunger (plongeur, ventouse)
Fr nager (to swim), natation (swimming), natatoire (natatory)
It nave (ship), nautico (nautical), naufragio (shipwreck)
舟 Navire: Ship
帆 Voile: Sail
岸 Rive: Shore
轮 Roue: Wheel
路 Route: Road
载 載 Charge: Load
道 Voie: Way
过 Passer: to Go through
提 Porter: to Bear
© Renaud Bouret