Voie   Way  

voie: via (via)
voyage ('[provisions] for the way'): voyage, voyager (voyageur)
convoyer ('to send with'); to convey (convoyer, transmettre, transporter), convoy (convoi), conveyor (convoyeur), conveyance (convoyage, transport)
dévier ('to go out of the way'): to deviate, deviation (déviation), deviant (déviant), devious (détourné, tortueux)
envoyer ('to put on the way', to send): envoy (émissaire, envoi), invoice (facture)
obvier ([to go] ahead of the way'): to obviate (prévenir), obvious ('[lying] ahead of the way', évident), previous ('before on the way', précédent)
trivial ('three ways', commonplace): trivial (trivial, banal, frivole), trivia (banalités), triviality (banalité)

It via (way), viaggiare (to travel)

Navire: Ship
Voile: Sail
Rive: Shore
Roue: Wheel
Route: Road
载 載 Charge: Load
Voie: Way
Passer: to Go through
Porter: to Bear

© Renaud Bouret