Avant   Before  

avant ('from before', before): advance (avance), advantage (avantage)
avant-garde ('front line', vanguard): avant-garde, vanguard
antérieur ('more in front', former): anterior
ancêtre ('one who goes before'): ancestor
antécédent ('going before'): antecedent

pre- (before): preposition  Poser: to Set

post- (after): posterior (postérieur), posterity ('which comes after', postérité), to postpone ('to put after', ajourner, différer)  Poser: to Set, postposition  Poser: to Set

  defer comes from différer ('to carry apart', to delay).
  ante (Latin 'before') should not be confused with anti (Greek 'against', 'opposite') although both words share the same origin.

It antenato ('born before', ancestor)

Intra-: Inside
Extra-: Outside
Infra-: Under, Below
Supra-: Over, Above
Inter-: Between
Autre: Other
Propre: Own
Semblable: Same
Avant: Before
Plus: More
Proche: Near

© Renaud Bouret