四 Quatre Four
quart (one fourth): quart (pinte), quarte ('sequence of four [cards]', quarte), quartan (quarte), quartile (quartile)
quartier ('cut in squares', 'one fourth', '[city] division', residence, ward): quarter (quart, quartier, trimestre, 25 cents)
quarteron ('one fourth [of alien blood]'): quadroon
quaternaire ('fourth'): quaternary
quatuor (group of four): quartet
cadran ('[circle] divided in four parts', dial): quadrant (quadrant, quart de cercle)
carré ('four equal sides'): square, quadrate (carré), quadratic (quadratique), quadrature (quadrature)
carrière ('where square blocks of stone are cut'): quarry
escadre ('a square of soldiers'): squad, squadron (escadron)
quadrille ('[dance for] four couples', square dance): quadrille
quarantaine (a group of forty): quarantine ('forty days of isolation')
quadragénaire ('four [tens] of age'): quadragenarian
quadriceps ('[muscle] with four heads'): quadriceps ⇨ Deux: Two
quadrige ('four yokes [chariot]'): quadrige
quadrilatéral (with four sides): quadrilateral
quadripartite (with four parts): quadripartite
quadrumane ('with four hands): quadrumanous ⇨ Main: Hand
quadrupède ('with four feet'): quadruped ⇨ Pied: Foot
quadruple ('four-fold'): quadruple
★ The Greek prefix tetra- is used to express the number 4 as in tetrachord ('four strings', tétracorde), tetrahedron ('four faces', tetraèdre), tetravalent ('four values', quadrivalent)
Es cuatro four), cuarto (fourth, room), cuarterón (one fourth), cuartel (barracks)
It quattro (four), quattrocento ('fifteenth century', quattrocento)
百 Cent: Hundred
十 Dix: Ten
一 Un: One
甲 Premier: First
二 Deux: Two
三 Trois: Three
四 Quatre: Four
五 Cinq: Five
六 Six: Six
七 Sept: Seven
八 Huit: Eight
九 Neuf: Nine
千 Mille: Thousand
© Renaud Bouret