Haut   High  

hautain ('in a highly manner'): haughty, hauteur ('haughtiness', hauteur)
hausser (to go up, to lift): to enhance (rehausser, intensifier)
autel ('a high [place]'): altar
altitude (height): altitude
altimètre ('height measure'): altimeter
exalter ('lo lift out'): to exalt, exaltation (exaltation)
hautbois ('high tone wooden instrument'): oboe, hautbois (hautbois, capron)
haute couture ('high-class dressmaking'): haute couture

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

It alto high, alzare (to get up, to lift)

Entier: Whole
Moitié: Half
Multi: Many
Seul: Alone
Peu: Little
Bas: Low
Fond: Bottom
Haut: High
Droite: Right
Grand: Big
Petit: Small
Bref: Short
Étroit: Narrow
Large: Wide
Début: Start
Commencer: to Begin
Finir: to End
Terme: Boundary
Croître: to Grow

© Renaud Bouret