提 Porter to Bear
porteur ('carrier', bearer): porter, purport (portée, teneur)
portatif ('which can be carried'): portable, portability (portabilité)
portage ('[where the canoe] has to be carried'): portage
✓ Grand Portage (Minnesota, Wisconsin) means 'big portage' ⇨ Grand: Big.
colporteur ('one who carries wares on his neck', peddler): colporteur ⇨ Cou: Neck
comporter ('to carry together', to behave): to comport, comportment (comportement)
déporter ('to carry away'); to deport, deportee (déporté), deportation (déportation), deportment (maintien, comportement), to disport oneself (s'amuser), disport (divertissement)
exporter ('to carry out'): to export, export (exportation)
importer ('to carry in', to matter): to import, import (importation), important (important), importance (importance)
reporter ('to carry again [to]', to relate): to report (rapporter), report (reportage , rapport), reporter (journaliste)
supporter ('to carry near'): to support, supportable (soutenable)
transporter ('to carry over'): to transport, transportation (transport), transporter (transporteur), transportable (transportable)
portefeuille ('leaf carrier', wallet): portfolio ⇨ Feuille: Leaf
★ déporter also meant 'to amuse oneself' ('to withdraw [from labor]') in Old French, hence English 'sport' and 'disport' (see Spanish deporte) and Modern French sport .
Es deporte (sport)
It sport (sport), portafoglio (wallet), portamento ('way of carrying', portamento)
舟 Navire: Ship
帆 Voile: Sail
岸 Rive: Shore
轮 Roue: Wheel
路 Route: Road
载 載 Charge: Load
道 Voie: Way
过 Passer: to Go through
提 Porter: to Bear
© Renaud Bouret