Appeler   to Call  

appeler: to appeal, appeal (appel)
appellation ('calling'): appellation, appellant (appelant), appellative (commun)
Appel Butte (Wyoming) means 'call mound'.

voix: voice, voicer (harmoniste), vouch ('call', summon, garantir), voucher (garant, reçu)
voyelle ('voiced [sound]'): vowel
vocal ('uttering sound'): vocal, to vocalize (articuler, vocaliser), vocalization (vocalisation), vocalist (chanteur)
vocation ('a call'): vocation, vocational (professionnel)
vocable (word): vocable, vocabulary (vocabulaire)
vociférer ('to carry the voice'): to vociferate, vociferous (criard), vociferation (vocifération)
avocat ('called upon'): advocate, to advocate (préconiser), advocacy (plaidoyer)
convoquer ('to call together'): to convoke, convocation (convocation)
évoquer ('to call forth'): to evoke, evocation (évocation), evocative (évocateur)
équivoque ('equal call'): equivocal  ambiguous
invoquer ('to call upon'): to invoke, invocation (invocation), invocatory (invocatoire)
provoquer ('to call forth'): to provoke, provocation (provocation), provocative (provocateur)
révoquer ('to recall'): to revoke, revocation (révocation), irrevocable (irrévocable)
vœu (wish): vow, votive (votif)
vote ('wish'): vote, votary (dévoué)
avouer ('to call upon', to admit): to avow, avowal (aveu)

citer ('to call', 'to urge', to quote): to cite, citation (citation)
exciter ('to urge out'): to excite, excitement (excitation)
inciter ('to urge in'):to incite, incitement (incitation)
réciter ('to quote'): to recite, recitation (récitation)

 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

Es apelar (to call for, to summon)
It appello (appeal)

话 言 Parler: to Speak
讳 諱 Taire: to Hush
Dire: to Say
Verbe: Word
寓言 Fable: Tale
问 問 Demander: to Ask
Répondre: to Answer
Crier: to Shout
Appeler: to Call
Nom: Name

© Renaud Bouret