话 言   Parler   to Speak  

parole (speech, promise): parole, parolee (libéré sur parole)
parabole (comparison, speech): parable
palabre (speech, gossip): palaver
parloir ('place to speak'): parlor
parlement ('speaking court'): parliament
parlementaire: parliamentarian, parliamentary

loquace ('talkative'): loquacious
éloquence ('speaking out [and clearly]'): eloquence, eloquent (éloquent)
 soliloquy .  grandiloquent .  ventriloquist .  somniloquist

 Langue: Tongue
 Bouche: Mouth

Es palabra (word)
It parlare (so speak), parola (word)

话 言 Parler: to Speak
讳 諱 Taire: to Hush
Dire: to Say
Verbe: Word
寓言 Fable: Tale
问 問 Demander: to Ask
Répondre: to Answer
Crier: to Shout
Appeler: to Call
Nom: Name

© Renaud Bouret