Cinq   Five  

quintette (group of five): quintet
quinquennal ('five-year period'): quinquennial
quintessence ('the fifth essence', the utmost): quintessence  ÃŠtre: to Be
quinquagénaire ('five [tens] of age'): quinquagenarian
quintuple ('five-fold'): quintuple, quintuplet (quintuplet)

  The Greek prefix penta- is used to express the number 5 as in pentagon ('five sides', pentagone), Pentecost ('50 days after Easter', Whitsunday, Pentecôte) and Pentateuch ('the five books of Moses', pentateuque).

Es cinco (five)
It cinque (five), cinquecento ('sixteenth century', cinquecento)

Cent: Hundred
Dix: Ten
Un: One
Premier: First
Deux: Two
Trois: Three
Quatre: Four
Cinq: Five
Six: Six
Sept: Seven
Huit: Eight
Neuf: Nine
Mille: Thousand

© Renaud Bouret