Voir   to See  

vue (sight): view, viewer (spectateur)
déjà vu ('seen before'): deja vu
voyeur ('one who sees'): voyeur, voyeurism (voyeurisme)
clairvoyance ('seing clearly', second sight): clairvoyance, clairvoyant (clairvoyant)
vedette ('watch[tower]', 'sentry'): vedette
vidéo ('I see'): video
(sight): vision, visual (visuel)
visionnaire ('who sees [ahead]'): visionary, visional (imaginaire)
visuel (belonging to the sight): visual, to visualize (visualiser)
visible (which can be seen): visible, visibility (visibilité), invisible (invisible)
visiter (to [go and] see): to visit, visit (visite), visitor (visiteur), visitation (visitation)
visage ('look', face): visage, vis-à-vis ('face to face'), visor (visière)  Chef: Head
visa ('things seen [and verified]'): visa
vis-à-vis ('face to face'): vis-a-vis
visière ('face [mask]'): visor
avis ('according to [what looks good]'): advice, to advise (aviser, conseiller), advisable (prudent), advisor (conseiller)
devis ('seen apart'): device, to devise (concevoir, léguer), devisee (légataire), devisor (testateur)
diviser ('to see apart'): to divide, division (division)
individu ('indivisible'): individual (individuel), individualism (individualisme)
évident ('seen out'): evident, evidence (évidence, preuve)
envie ('looking upon [with bad eyes]'): envy, invidious (désobligeant), envious (envieux), enviable (enviable)
envisager ('to foresee'): to envisage, to envision (imaginer)
entrevue ('seen in between'): interview
improvisé ('unforeseen'): improvised
pourvoir ('to foresee', to provide): to purvey (fournir), purveyor (fournisseur)
prévoir ('to foresee', 'to see beforehand'): to prevue, to preview, prevision (prévision), previsional (prévisionnel)
providence ('foresight'): providence, providential (providentiel), provision (provision), provisional (provisoire), provisory (provisoire)
prudence ('foresight'): prudence, prudent (prudent)
réviser ('to see again'): to revise, revision (révision)
revue ('seen again'): review, revue
superviser ('to see above'): to supervise, supervision (supervision), supervisor (surveillant)
télévision ('sight from a distance'): television, to televise (téléviser)

regarder ('to keep in sight', to look at, to watch): to regard (regarder, respecter, considérer)

spectacle ('sight'): spectacle, spectator (spectateur), spectacular (spectaculaire)
spectre ('vision', ghost): specter
spéculum ('mirror'): speculum
spéculer ('to observe'): to speculate, speculator (spéculateur), speculation (spéculation)
aspect ('look at'): aspect
circonspect ('look around', prudent): circumspect, circumspection (circonspection)
expectative ('thorough look'): expectancy, to expect
inspecter ('to see inside'): to inspect, inspection (inspection), inspector (inspecteur)
introspection ('look inside'): introspection, introspective (introspectif)
perspective ('look through'): perspective, perspicuous (perspicace), perspicacious, perspicacity (perspicacité)
prospecter ('to look ahead'): to prospect, prospective (prospectif)
respecter ('to look back upon', to regard): to respect, respectable (respectable), respectful, respectability (respectabilité)
suspecter ('to look below'): to suspect (soupçonner), suspicion (soupçon, suspicion), suspicious (soupçonneux)
conspicuous ('seen thoroughly', visible), despicable ('looked down', méprisable)

télescope ('to see from afar'): telescope, microscope (microscope), microscopic (microscopique)
sceptique ('one who observes'): skeptical
scope ('watcher', 'target', portée)

miracle ('wonderful sight'): miracle
mirage ('wonderful sight', optical illusion): mirage
merveille ('wonder'): marvel, marvelous (merveilleux)
miroir ('where to look at oneself', looking-glass): mirror
admirer ('to look at'): to admire, admiration (admiration), admirable (admirable)

face ('aspect', 'portrait', face): face, to face (faire face à), facial (facial)
facette ('small aspect'): facet
façade ('[front] view'): facade
surface ('over view'): surface
superficiel ('from the surface'): superficial
effacer ('to face out'): to efface
interface ('face between [two elements]'): interface
  Greek opto- (sight), op- (eye) optical, hypermetropia ('over measure eyes', hypermétropie), myopia ('closed eyes', myopie), optometry ('measure of the eyes, optométrie)

Es vista (sight), vigilante (guard), espejo (mirror), mirar (to look at), mirador (spectator, lookout tower)
It vedere (to see), viso (face), visto (seen, visa), invidia (envy), belvedere ('beautiful sight'), specchio (mirror), scopo (aim, purpose)

Sentir: to Feel
Voir: to See
Veiller: to Watch
Ouïe: Hearing
Sourd: Deaf
尝 嘗 Goûter: to Taste
Odeur: Smell
Aigre: Sour
Suave: Sweet

© Renaud Bouret