Aigre   Sour  

aigre ('sharp', sour): eager
vinaigre ('sour wine'): vinegar
âcre ('sharp', sour): acrid (acerbe), acridity (âcreté), acridness (acrimonie)
acrimonie ('bitterness'): acrimony, acrimonious (acrimonieux)

acerbe (bitter, harsh): acerbic, acerbity (âcreté, âpreté, aigreur)

It acro (bitter, acrid)

Sentir: to Feel
Voir: to See
Veiller: to Watch
Ouïe: Hearing
Sourd: Deaf
尝 嘗 Goûter: to Taste
Odeur: Smell
Aigre: Sour
Suave: Sweet

© Renaud Bouret