Sentir   to Feel  

sens ('feeling'): sense, sensory (sensoriel), sensitive (sensible), sensible (sensé)
sensuel ('endowed with feeling') sensual, sensuality (sensualité), sensuous (voluptueux)
sentiment ('feeling'): sentiment, sentimental (sentimental), sentimentality (sentimentalité, sensiblerie), sentimentalism (sentimentalisme)
sentinelle ('one who perceives carefully'): sentinel   This word came from Italian to English through French.

sentence ('a way to feel, a way to think'): sentence (sentence, phrase), sententious (sentencieux)

It sentire ('to perceive', to hear), sentimento (feeling), sentinella (sentinel)

Sentir: to Feel
Voir: to See
Veiller: to Watch
Ouïe: Hearing
Sourd: Deaf
尝 嘗 Goûter: to Taste
Odeur: Smell
Aigre: Sour
Suave: Sweet

© Renaud Bouret