Corde   Rope  

corde (rope): cord, cordage (cordages), chord (accord)
cordon ('small rope', string): cordon, cordon-bleu ('blue ribbon', cordon-bleu)
cordillère ('string of mountains'): cordillera
  the word cordillera was borrowed from Spanish]
  chord ('[musical instrument] string', accord) was influenced by accord (agreement)  CÅ“ur: Heart

Es cuerda (rope), cordillera ('string of mountains', cordillera)

Bâton: Stick
Barre: Rail
Couteau: Knife
Lame: Blade
Corde: Rope
线 綫 Fil: Thread
Aiguille: Needle
Sac: Bag
Boule: Ball
书 書 Livre: Book
Arme: Weapon

© Renaud Bouret