Manger   to Eat  

mangeoire (eating container): manger
mandibule (chewing organ): mandible

vorace (hungry, greedy): voracious, voracity (voracité)
dévorer ('to eat up'): to devour
carnivore ('meat eater'): carnivorous  carnivorous
granivore ('grain eater'): granivorous
herbivore ('grass eater'): herbivorous
insectivore ('insect eater'): insectivorous
omnivore ('all eater'): omnivorous
piscivore ('fish eater'): piscivorous

Es mandíbula (mandible)
It mangiare (to eat)

Cuisine: Cooking
Nourrir: to Feed
Aliment: Food
Manger: to Eat
Boire: to Drink
Mordre: to Bite
Repas: Meal
饿 Faim: Hunger
Chair: Flesh
Éteindre: to Quench
Pain: Bread
Lait: Milk
Å’uf: Egg
Miel: Honey
Fumer: to Smoke

© Renaud Bouret