Nourrir   to Feed  

nourrir: to nourish, nourishment (nourriture)
nourrice ('feeder'): nurse (nourrice, infirmière)
nourriture (food): nurture, to nurture (nourrir)
nutrition ('feeding'): nutrition, nutriment (aliments), nutritionist (diététicien), malnutrition (malnutrition)  Mal: Bad
nutritif: nutritious, nutrient, nutritive (nutritif, nourrissant)

Es nutrir (to feed)
It nutrire (to nourish), nutrice (nurse)

Cuisine: Cooking
Nourrir: to Feed
Aliment: Food
Manger: to Eat
Boire: to Drink
Mordre: to Bite
Repas: Meal
饿 Faim: Hunger
Chair: Flesh
Éteindre: to Quench
Pain: Bread
Lait: Milk
Å’uf: Egg
Miel: Honey
Fumer: to Smoke

© Renaud Bouret