Cuisine Cooking
These words related to fine (and not so fine) cuisine are French:
à la carte ('from the card [menu list]')
au jus ('with [its own] juice')
blanquette ('[veal with] white sauce') ⇨ Blanc: White
bon vivant ('well living') ⇨ Bon: Good, ⇨ Vie: Life
bouillon ('[clear soup made of] boiled meat')
bouillabaisse (boiled fish soup)
braised (braisé, '[cooked slowly] on live coals')
brochette ('skewer')
café ('coffee', coffeehouse)
canapé ('couch')
caramel ('reed', burnt sugar)
casserole (cooking pan)
chef ('head') ⇨ Chef: Head
compote ('mixed', crushed)
consommé ('perfect') ⇨ Supra-: Over
cordon bleu ('blue ribbon', first-class cook)
coulis ('flowing', thick sauce)
crêpe ('crisp')
croissant ('crescent-shaped') ⇨ Croître: to Grow
croquette ('crunched', 'bite')
crouton (toasted bread)
cuisine (cooking, kitchen), biscuit ('cooked twice') ⇨ Deux: Two
eau-de-vie ('life water') ⇨ Eau: Water
entrée ('entering course') ⇨ Entrer: to Go in
filet mignon ('delicate fillet')
flambé ('blazed') ⇨ Flamber: to Burn
foie gras ('fat liver')
fondue ('melted')
glacé ('iced', coated with sugar) ⇨ Glace: Ice
gourmand (one who likes to eat, glutton)
gourmet (wine taster, expert judge of good food and drink)
gratin ('well cooked dish that needs] to be scrapped', jet set)
haute cuisine (high class cooking) ⇨ Haut: High
hors d'oeuvre ('outside of main work') ⇨ Å’uvre: Work
lard (bacon)
maître d'hôtel ('mansion master') ⇨ Grand: Big, ⇨ Hôte: Guest
margarine ('pearl')
menu ('detailed [list]') ⇨ Petit: Small
nougat ('nutty')
nouvelle cuisine ('new cooking') ⇨ Nouveau: New
petit four ('small oven') ⇨ Petit: Small, ⇨ Four: Oven
pièce de résistance (chief dish of a meal)
quiche ('cake')
raclette ('scraped')
ragoût ('tasty', stew)
roux ('reddish', browned sauce) ⇨ Rouge: Red
sauce ('salty [water]')
sauté ('jumped') ⇨ Sauter: to Jump
soufflé ('blowed', 'puffed up')
table d'hôte ('host table') ⇨ Hôte: Guest
timbale ('drum', '[drum-shaped] mold')
tournedos ('turn back', 'coward') ⇨ Dos: Back
velouté ('velvety')
vinaigrette ('vinegar sauce') ⇨ Aigre: Sour
vol-au-vent ('fly in the wind') ⇨ Voler: to Fly
These words are Italian:
al dente ('to the tooth') ⇨ Dent: Tooth
antipasto ('before the meal') ⇨ Repas: Meal
bocconcino ('mouthful') ⇨ Bouche: Mouth
cacciatore (hunter) ⇨ Chasser: to Hunt
capellini ('thin hair') ⇨ Cheveux: Hair
carbonara ('related to coal') ⇨ Charbon: Coal
focaccia ('fired', bread cooked under embers) ⇨ Feu: Fire
gelato ('frozen') ⇨ Geler: to Freeze
linguine ('little tongues') ⇨ Langue: Tongue
panettone ('big bread') ⇨ Pain: Bread
Cuisine: Cooking
养 Nourrir: to Feed
食 Aliment: Food
吃 Manger: to Eat
喝 Boire: to Drink
啃 Mordre: to Bite
餐 Repas: Meal
饿 Faim: Hunger
肉 Chair: Flesh
灭 Éteindre: to Quench
馒 Pain: Bread
奶 Lait: Milk
蛋 Å’uf: Egg
蜜 Miel: Honey
烟 Fumer: to Smoke
© Renaud Bouret