Ouïe   Hearing  

ouïe: oyez ('hear!', oyez)
audience ('hearing): audience
audible ('that can be heard'): audible
auditeur ('one who hears'): auditor, audit (vérification), audition (audition), auditive (auditif), auditory (auditif, auditoire), auditorium (auditorium)
audio ('I hear'): audio (audio, son)
obéir ('to hear near'): to obey, obedient (obéissant), disobedient (désobéissant), obeisance (hommage)

 Oreille: Ear

Es oír (to hear)
It udire (to hear), ubbidire (to obey)

Sentir: to Feel
Voir: to See
Veiller: to Watch
Ouïe: Hearing
Sourd: Deaf
尝 嘗 Goûter: to Taste
Odeur: Smell
Aigre: Sour
Suave: Sweet

© Renaud Bouret